Ceres Organics

G.E Free Aotearoa / Social media campaign
Ceres Organics, a leading organics company in Aotearoa, partnered with Organics Aotearoa to launch a joint public awareness campaign on the proposed 'Gene Technology Bill'.

Ceres approached me to design the visual style of the campaign and create accompanying animations to be used across social media.
The primary goal was for the campaign to spark initial awareness of the bill, acting as a gateway to further education and action. To achieve this, the focus needed to be on crafting content that was both instantly engaging and easy to understand.

We honed in on a unique visual style, and I went to work hand-drawing an asset library of objects and symbols. The playful hand-drawn style reflects the diverse and imperfect nature of organics, in opposition to its genetically modified counterpart.
Building on the illustration style, I used oil pastels and India ink on wood, digitising them to create custom brushes and texture overlays.

The final step was to bring the graphics to life through animation. Building off the developed visual style and constantly considering the goal of accessible communication and clear messaging, the final product was a suite of three animations to be run throughout the entire campaign.